Terms of Use

Article 1. Access and Acceptance of Agreement

The provisions listed below as part of the Terms of Use lay out the rules for the use of services offered by Innclude LLC as “Innclude”, such as the mobile application, website, official social media accounts, Innclude SMS platform, etc. If these terms do not suit you, please cancel your registration. If you utilize a part or all of the services offered by Innclude, or rely on our third party services in order to connect to our system, you accept and are bound by the below rules and regulations.

We may make various changes to the Terms of Use or our services as needed. These changes may reflect changes in the law or could spring from user or operational flows in our sector. You can always access updated versions of these terms through our website or application. We will also inform you of any changes through the contact information provided. Updated Terms of Use may override previous terms (unless stated otherwise). If you continue to take advantage of our services once the changes go into effect, it will be presumed that you have accepted our new terms. By continuing to use services, you will also be deemed to have accepted our Community Guide, our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy which was designed to protect your information, as supplements to the Terms of Use.

Article 2. Parties

Our Terms of Use is an agreement between Innclude LLC (Innclude), with details listed below, and registered users (“User”). All services related to our web site, mobile application, side applications will be termed “service”, “services”, or “our services”.

Innclude LLC
3511 Silverside Road, Suite 105
Wilmington, Delaware
19810, USA
[email protected]

Innclude has the right to transfer services and terms of use to third parties. If this happens, you may continue to take advantage of our services. If notified, and you do not accept the transfer terms, you forfeit use of services.

Article 3. Innclude User System
  • Innclude is an event planning platform that is registered using phone numbers.
  • Innclude, for connecting to and use of services, will assign an ID that is unique to each user, valid globally, can be repossessed and may not be used for trade. The sole purpose of this ID is for services to be used according to the mission behind these services and also their Terms of Use.
  • Individualized account and ID can NEVER be transferred to third parties.
  • Once User registers by approving The Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, they will be provided with a profile that can be viewed by all Innclude users.
  • Users will confirm and accept that the data within Innclude belongs to them.
  • Usernames are unique to each member and same username may not be assigned to the multiple users.
  • Users may, for as long as they utilize our application may make changes to their username aand other data.
  • User may begin using our services, as well as organize private events with individuals in their contacts or public events while user’s phone number remains hidden. Using their profile pages, create events all Innclude users may view and interact with and reach other Innclude users through private or public events.
  • Users agree that their events may be viewed by friends, business contacts, family and other associates who are found in users’ personal phone contacts, unless indicated otherwise (e.g. blocked, private event, etc.)
  • A phone number is the user’s personal information. Innclude absolutely cannot be held responsible for disputes and damages arising from communications between other Innclude users who have user’s phone number who can therefore access a private event created by this user. Innclude also may not be held responsible for any disputes and damages arising from communications between user and aforementioned users.
  • Nearby events and brands with business accounts on Innclude may inform Innclude users about new services and projects through notifications on Innclude, sms or e-mail. In addition, Innclude may share with its users various campaigns, promotions and other similar information using other communication platforms that users link to their accounts, including any social media channels.
  • In order to provide services, Innclude may share user event details like address, venue, and similar information with other Innclude users, business partners that may be interested in sponsorship, and brands with business accounts. Innclude may not be held responsible for any issues or damages that result between users and our business partners or their management as a result of this sharing of information.
  • Innclude may prepare certain documents or reports that rely on demographical information and statistics using data gathered within our service, without revealing specific user information. Innclude may use this information internally or may share with third parties in exchange for a fee or without one. These types of transactions, present or future, do not constitute a breach of of our Privacy Policy.
Article 4. Account Compliance
  • You must be 18 or older in order to set up and account with and use the services of Innclude. In the event you declare yourself to be 18 or older and it is determined otherwise, Innclude has the right to terminate your user connection.
  • Users will have to confirm that (1) the personal information in their individualized account is theirs, (2) they cannot transfer their profile, (3) they will not use their personal account for trade or business purposes, (4) they will not open an account that was terminated using a different phone number, (5) they are personally accountable for the their content of events created by them or ones with which they interact.
Article 5. Changes to Services and Implementation

In order to improve its services, Innclude may add extra features or suspend certain features. To the extent that these changes will not significantly impact the rights of user, Innclude may not notify users.
Innclude will, without exception, notify its users if certain services are terminated or we experience security issues.
Innclude may not be held responsible for any disputes or damages that result from these changes that are made in order to improve the quality of service.

Article 6. User’s Responsibilities
  • Users accept that they are personally responsible for events they create within the platform, any visuals or event content, location or other similar information they post as well as any comments they make on events formed by other Innclude users.
  • Users accept that the copyright for the content of Innclude belongs to Innclude, and user may not without permission reproduce, copy or distribute this content.
  • Users may not use their personal accounts for trade or business purposes or include other inappropriate content. If users wish, they may purchase a Business Account for business related content in the name of a brand, venue, agency or similar establishment or public institution. This way, user can take advantage or advertising, promotion or other like services. Innclude may, without restriction, monitor the whole system in order to identify suspicious account activity.
  • In order to set up a Business Account, users must, in addition to reviewing and accepting this Terms of Use, also review and accept our Business and Distance Sales Agreements.
  • Users may not, without written permission from Innclude, publish content that they produced within the Innclude platform on social media for trade/business purposes.
  • Users may not, without written permission from Innclude, use the Innclude name, brand, logo, all or in part, for their own event visuals, flyers, on television, media or other digital or printed distribution, as a banner on social media, in videos or any like materials.
  • Users may not in any of its declarations state or suggest that they received approval from Innclude for their messages or any other content.
  • Users are prohibited from copying and indexing content found on Innclude. Users are also prohibited from setting up false accounts and/or bot accounts using this type of information, by proxy or manually or using automatic devices or methods. No exceptions will be made.
  • Users may not use Innclude for activity geared toward disrupting service, cyber attacks, or any other way that could impact our server or any networks connected to our server.
  • Users may not, without written persmission from Innclude, develop or use third party applications that will interact with our services or involve our interface.
  • User accounts will be considered to personally represent the individuals holding them. Users may not imitate, spoof or manipulate private or public institutions, known figures or brands, outside of their personal identity.
  • Users may not sell tickets within the Innclude platform, but may share links in their event profile to websites, mobile applications, or other like ticket sales services.
  • For certain event entries secured through a business account, Innclude may send users a QR Code via email or SMS. However, businesses, venues or brands may opt out of certain features (e.g. Guest List Services) on their business accounts. Users may not hold Innclude accountable if they are unable to participate in an event because of this or any other reason provided by the business account holder.
  • Users may not hold Innclude responsible for any disputes or damages that arise from their interactions with event organizers/planners, business account holders/management, and any brands and/or public institutions that are included on the Innclude platform.
  • Innclude, within the framework of the rights afforded to Business Account owners, offers a QR Code delivery service for invited guests that are not users of Innclude, for the formation of a Guest List, to assist with checking in guests at the venue, and in order to notify invited guests by means of e-mail or SMS. Innclude is not responsible for the content of these e-mails or SMS messages that are sent using our services.
  • Unregistered individuals may contact us at [email protected] in the event that messages sent using our services are bothersome and appropriate action will be taken.
  • In order to achieve continuity of services, Innclude may request access to users’ lists of contacts, location data, photo albums or other similar information. Users, by initiating use of services, agree that they will be using the application pursuant to permissions granted.
  • Users agree that the phone number they provided during registration is bound to their profile, and if they wish to later change the phone number associated with their account, we provide a service for it within the Innclude application, which they may utilize to make this change. Innclude is not responsible for data losses incurred while making this switch.
  • In the event that any of the users’ content on Innclude is found to be inconsistent with our Community Guide, Privacy Policy or Terms of Use, users agree that Innclude management or moderators may make corrections to, suspend or delete the inapproapriate information.
  • In the event that users determine that an event violates the agreements of Innclude, they must report it using our reporting function on the event page.
  • Users agree that they will not make any demands or requests about the star system in their profiles that indicates popularity.
  • The events on Innclude are only open to persons who are 18 older. Users agree to never hold Innclude responsible for user content that contradicts this rule.
  • Innclude is not responsible for missing and/or incorrect information about addresses or locations posted in the application.
  • Users agree that they will not access or use the services provided in a way that falls outside of Innclude’s definition of proper use. They also agree that they will not change any of the coding, and if they notice a change, to stop using the service. In the event that a user fails to comply with this provision, she or he agrees to compensate Innclude for any pecuniary or non-pecuniary damages.
  • Users agree that they will not hold Innclude responsible for damages in the event that unauthorized persons or institutions gain access to their data.
  • Users agree to not hold Innclude responsible for third parties’ unauthorized use of content they share/post on the application.
  • Users agree that Innclude may, pursuant to the governing laws of the applicable country, use any content posted for advertisements and promotional materials, and also share this content on its social media page.
  • Users agree that any content, visual, or information that could violate their personal rights obtained through the services of Innclude are voluntarily posted. Therefore, they may not seek damages or other compensation from Innclude in the event that third parties use this information in public or private, social media, e-mail, etc.
  • Users agree to never record, distribute, or use for an improper purpose any comments or private messages posted by other users who participate in their events or events in which they participate.
  • When users’ are invited to an event by means of a QR Code, they agree to never copy, reproduce or allow for this code to be used by another person. Any use that is inconsistent with this provision will result in the termination of all related accounts.
  • Users are personally responsible for any security issues, physical damage and similar problems arising from their attendance at an event, public or private, they attended by means of the Innclude application.
  • Private events may only be viewed by invited guests. Users agree to not hold Innclude responsible for any issues or damages that arise in the event that invited guests take screenshots, otherwise record and share the information.
  • Users may not hold Innclude responsible for any disputes or damages arising from their interactions with other users.
Article 7. Innclude’s Responsibilities
  • Innclude may, at any time, suspend, terminate or start charging a fee for all or a part of its services. Under these circumstances, the user reserves the right to stop services.
  • In circumstances where users’ security is in question, Innclude may suspend or end its online payment systems. Innclude may not be held accountable against its individual users or business account owners for the suspension or stopping of its online payment system.
  • Innclude may terminate personal accounts it suspects may put system security at risk or may be using Innclude for spamming, advertising, or other unauthorized trade or business purposes.
  • Innclude reserves the right, without time retrictions, to change, remove, add additional content, add visuals, and organize any content found within its services, as well as suspend events, or limit access to all or certain groups. Innclude is not obligated to notify users while exercising this right.
  • Innclude will make and continue appropriate efforts in order to meet users’ expectations, with a secure infrastructure, but cannot guarantee results.
  • Inncude may reproduce or delete content within its services, all or in part, when Innclude finds it appropriate.
  • Innclude has the copyrights for any data, document, design, graphic or similar works that it produces or purchases.
  • Innclude may use its Guest List service for its own event advertisements and promotions.
  • For services involving SMS, Innclude is not responsible for disputes and damages that arise from interactions between the events created by SMS Business Accounts and invited users.
  • Innclude QR Code Technology is designed to create and assign for each event and each user a unique code that changes at designated times. If Innclude detects and/or determines that users are misappropriating their QR code, it may suspend, stop or completely terminate services of the users’ in question.
  • For public events, Innclude may use the event’s visuals, content, videos and like materials for advertising or promotion, including at indoor and outdoor open spaces.
  • Innclude agrees that it will not use for advertisement or promotional materials any events that are designated as private events and accepts that these events shall remain private as between organizers and guests or participants, as Innclude will not allow access. However, Innclude may turn over information to the appropriate law enforcement authorities in the event that it is required by the laws and regulations of the applicable country.
  • Innclude may not be held responsible for disputes and damages arising from changes made to the content of an event profile that was created.
  • Innclude may not be held responsible in the event that the information provided by the organizers is incomplete.
  • Innclude does not allow for sales of tickets within event profiles. However, users may post relevant e-mails or links to their organization’s website, their social media event pages, and ticket sale services. Innclude may not be held responsible for mistakes in this information or security risks arising from their use.
  • Innclude may, as part of its services, publish advertisements that belong to its associates, business partners or third party partners.
  • Innclude may file complaints with the relevant authorities under the applicable country’s laws and regulations, and submit supporting evidence or files, in the event that a user makes inappropriate use of services provided. Innclude may also ask for appropriate damages or compensation.
  • If it is determined that a user is in violation of the dictates of Articles 3, 4, 6 and 7, user’s membership may be terminated, including Premium memberships. Under these circumstances, user may not ask for a refund.
Article 8. The Terms and Conditions of Payment

Part of Innclude’s services are fee-based Premium Memberships (In-Application Purchases).
In-Application Purchases are made available to users through appropriate payment services and form of payment (e.g. Credit Card, Mobile Payment, Google Play and iTunes).
After receiving approval for purchase, you may start using the features of your Premium Membership. If the automatic renewal feature is active, this means that your service will be renewed and you will continue to receive invoices. If you do not wish to use the automatic renewal function, you may cancel through the third party application you used to make your purchase (Google Play and iTunes). While still within your service period, you cancel your Premium Membership, your Premium Membership will continue up until the expiration date indicated in the third party application that was used to make your purchase. The rights attached to the Premium Membership cannot be transferred to third parties. Payments related to Business Accounts are different from Premium Membership packages and will be completed through 3D secure over Innclude systems. For additional details related to this matter, please review our Business Accounts page. Refund requests will be received and processed through the third party application used to make purchase.

Article 9. Third Party Services
  • Innclude, in connection with part or all of its services, may publish advertisements and promotional material, and/or involve connections for access to other websites and sources.
  • Innclude is not responsible for connectivity to these outside websites or sources.
  • If through Innclude, you interact with third parties, you will be bound by their terms of use.
  • Innclude cannot be held responsible for the rules and policies of third parties.
Article 10. Personal Information

Prior to being able to take advantage of our services, users, along with having signed our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, will have consented to the transfer of certain information – phone number, name, surname, e-mail address, etc. – to third parties or abroad for processing, within the confines of the governing laws of the appropriate countries. The processing of personal information and its transfer to third parties or abroad is governed by a legal agreement between user and Innclude. Personal data may be processed for marketing, analysis, and/or statistical purposes, by Innclude or Innclude associates, and partners with whom Innclude or Innclude associates have a legal agreement, within the confines of these Terms of Use. In addition, users consent to the recording, processing, and/or listing or sharing with third parties anonymously of their event interactions, behavior models, and data by Innclude, and Innclude associates and partners for analysis for the purposes of improving services, and for various applications and programs to work within the platform.

Article 11. Information Storage

Prior to being able to take advantage of our services, users, along with having signed our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, will have consented to the transfer of certain information – phone number, name, surname, e-mail address, etc. – to third parties or abroad for processing, within the confines of the governing laws of the appropriate countries. The processing of personal information and its transfer to third parties or abroad is governed by a legal agreement between user and Innclude. Personal data may be processed for marketing, analysis, and/or statistical purposes, by Innclude or Innclude associates, and partners with whom Innclude or Innclude associates have a legal agreement, within the confines of these Terms of Use. In addition, users consent to the recording, processing, and/or listing or sharing with third parties anonymously of their event interactions, behavior models, and data by Innclude, and Innclude associates and partners for analysis for the purposes of improving services, and for various applications and programs to work within the platform.

Article 12. Effectiveness of Agreement

Terms of Use will go into effect indefinitely once a user is entered into the system between parties.

Article 13. Termination of Agreement

Parties may terminate at will. Termination of Terms of Use will not affect parties rights’ and entitlements.

Privacy Policy

Article 1. Introduction

We prepared this Privacy Policy in order to show you how we use and share personal information that you share with us. The Privacy Policy, the mandates of which are written below, outlines the regulations that protect your privacy and personal information while using our INNCLUDE mobile application and website.
This Privacy Policy is an inseparable part of our INNCLUDE User Regulations.

Article 2. Innclude

Innclude LLC (Service Provider) is the firm responsible for storing your saved information.
Innclude LLC
3511 Silverside Road, Suite 105
Wilmington, Delaware
19810, USA
[email protected]

Article 3. Areas Where Applicable

This Privacy Policy is valid as to websites as published by Innclude LLC, the entire mobile platform, events within the platform, side applications, website, data services and events organized outside of the mobile platform.

Article 4. Collection of Personal Data

The Service Provider collects certain information from you in order to develop algorithms for its website and mobile application. This information is used and applied by a systemic artificial intelligence in order to connect you, first and foremost with your friends, but also with others who share your traits and interests, as well as make it possible for persons and entities with business accounts, public institutions and corporations to provide services.
Below you will find details regarding information we collect you from you.

Article 4.a) Information You Provide

When you start using Innclude, you will set up a user profile and, in doing so, you will provide us with certain information, as listed below;

  • Personal information you give/will give us within your profile (name-surname, age, email address, gender, photographs, state/country of residency and similar personal facts), images and video files,
  • Your phone contacts which will be used for sharing your events with your friends,
  • For photographs and video files you will share, your camera and photograph album,
  • For people you follow and people who follow you, their profile information and interactions with you,
  • Within the application, in order to show you events nearby or for you to enter your location information when you organize an event, your location data,
  • Events that you join, will attend or add as a favorite and related establishment and brand data,
  • Profile data of people who have attended, will attend, have commented or privately messaged you about events you organized or will organize,
  • Your advertisement preferences,
  • Comments you leave and messages you send within the website or application,
  • Establishment and brand data from profiles of establishments/brands who have listed you as a guest for their events,
  • For memberships that require a fee (via IOS or Android), or any service you receive from us for a fee, your bank and credit card information,
  • Notices you send your friends, your event invites and private messages, all of these are processed and stored as part of our servicing activity.
Article 4.b) Data Received From Other Parties

In addition to the information you provide us directly, we also collect data related to your interactions with other corporations or users. This data is;

  • Information you obtain from being added as an administrator for events, individual users and event planners, brands, agencies and corporations with business accounts
  • Information gathered from invites you receive from being in the records of establishments, brands, advertising agencies with business accounts or public corporations
  • Information we gather when you link to social media accounts,
  • Data from when other users connect with you through an event,
  • Event hosts’ methods of sharing events with you, etc., in order to increase interaction.
Article 4.c) Data Received From Other Parties
  • Log-in entries, date, time and location information,
  • Pages you visit, pages where you are re-directed, ads viewed and visited while using the application,
  • For application development, your IP address, device data, device settings and specifications, application errors and advertising ID,
  • Log-in data - date, time and usage - when accessing via QR Kod technology.
  • User data within the paid membership rights and structure afforded members.
Article 5. Data Protection Technology and Function

As your Service Provider, we use various technologies and permit our business partners to use certain technologies to identify your data. This technology is called Cookies and it is used to verify your identity while you are logging into the application, storing your preference and settings, to analyze website and application traffic, and to direct advertisement campaigns accordingly. For more information on this matter, please read our Cookie Policy.

Article 6. Use of Personal Information

As your Service Provider, the most important reason we use your personal information and analyses is to provide you with this service and also to make improvements in the most efficient way possible. We use the data in order to help improve interactions among users and personalize advertisements.
More specifically;

  • So you can organize individualized events and ensure that people attend, starting with the people in your Contacts,
  • To assist you in contacting others in your circle,
  • For use on multiple devices, efficient same-time interactions between devices for ideal functioning,
  • For making certain improvements and increases in services that will idealize the fit between users and the provided services,
  • In order to list events that suit you, to make sure you are included in the interactions,
  • In order to detect, analyze, fight and prevent fake/fraudulent user profiles.
  • In order to remain compliant with governing laws.
Article 7. Information Sharing

Service Provider will share some of your personal information with other users, venues where you are on the guest list and brands in order to offer services.
These permissions that allow you to be viewed by other users and to organize events are within the confines of the application and permissions you granted in your profile.
If you are on the guest list for or are receiving invites from brands or venues with business accounts, we may again share with them information related to your profile. For security reasons, we may ask you to contact the venue or brand that added you to the list.
We may also share your user information with partners, subsidiaries of Innclude LLC, partners and, under various circumstances, with legal authorities.
Additional details and examples are listed below;

  • Your personal profile that you set up can be viewed by other Innclude users according to the permissions you granted.
  • You are solely responsible for the information you share in your personal profile. We do not control what you post and neither does anyone else. If you do not wish to share certain information, you may edit, delete, or, under our Premium membership, place certain limitations on it.
  • We may share your information with various service providers and our partners. This information sharing is geared towards data collection by applications that serve our infrastructure as well as linking you with events and advertisements that are most closely aligned with your interests.
  • We may share your information with firms that are a part of our operation or companies with which we have a partnership agreement.
  • If an incident of fraud is detected on your account, we may be required to share information pursuant to any legal issues that arise, searches and investigation by public officials or law enforcement, and/or any subpoenas issued by the court.
Article 8. Long-distance Data Transfers

The information sharing addressed in Article 6 will sometimes involve data transfer across borders. In this case, we apply the international contracts and the laws of the countries in question. These standard contract terms reflect commitments between companies that deal in data transfer. They are binding in terms of preserving the confidentiality and security of your data.

Article 9. Your Individual Rights

Innclude is sensitive to your personal rights. With the intent to give you the controls to manage your information;

  • You can arrange and change your profile data, or if you aren’t satisfied with your user experience, delete it.
  • In your device’s settings, you can limit or turn off your location data or notifications. We can’t guarantee optimum functioning if you do this.
  • You may request a copy of your personal data within the confines of the personal privacy agreements of the country and organizations to which the country belongs.
  • If you need to complete any transactions outside of the application based on information we have stored, you may make requests that relate to that matter.
  • We will consider all interactions with other users (via commenting and/or private messaging) according to the governing laws and regulations. Keeping in mind legality and also that intellectual property rights and confidentiality may be violated, some requests may be denied.
  • Service Provider, outside of individual membership, offers corporations the opportunity to open a business account. Outside of the private sector, by being included on the guest list for various brands and public companies, you may decide to quit use, add or unfollow, or make edits related to your information that is stored in our system.
  • You may have objections to how your personal data is processed and utilized. In this case, Service Provider may need to verify your identity. Provider may ask questions about your profile and, in the event there are inconsistencies between your answers and the information listed in your profile, deny your claim.
  • In the event that you have concerns about data privacy, you have the right to make an application to the data protection authorities related to the governing local laws and regulations.
  • You have the right to contact us about any type of issue you are having with our website or application. Response time and resolution may take up to 7 business days.
Article 10. Protection of Personal Information

Service Provider is highly sensitive about protecting your personal data and regularly monitors and updates its technological infrastructure.
Unfortunately, even though we are paying close attention, we can’t promise that your information will always stay safe. Registered users should always proceed on the possibility that they may incur losses that go beyond a potential data breach.
If we suspect a data breach may lead to other offenses, we may suspend some or all of our services.
If you suspect that a breach of security has occurred, please contact us at [email protected]

Article 11. How Long We Store Your Information

Your personal information is encrypted and stored in our data archives according to the laws of your country of residence.
Because this process may see changes according to the dictates of the laws of the United States of America, members of the European Union and other countries, even if a user decides to completely abandon the application, their data will be stored for a period of 3 months minimum and 5 years maximum encrypted in our database.
During this process, other users will not be able to access your data or profile.

Article 12. Privacy for Minors

You must be 18 years or older in order to use the Innclude application. We do not, on our platform, deliberately collect information on users under 18 years of age. However, keeping in mind that minors use cell phones, if you suspect that a person under the age of 18 is using our application, please report this to us by use of the methods provided within the application.

Article 13. Agreement Modifications

Innclude may make modifications and/or additions to its Privacy Agreement under the governing laws and regulations. You will be notified of these changes inside the application as well as any other methods communication you have permitted.

Article 14. Contact

Feel free to reach us at [email protected] with any questions and concerns about the Privacy Agreement. Response and resolution period is approximately 7 business days.

Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Innclude Community.

First thing we want you to know is that we respect your individual freedoms. We are very excited to create a platform where you may express yourselves freely and interact with other users. Since individual users will be sharing this platform with businesses that will have various brand and operational accounts, it is unavoidable that we must articulate certain community standards.
Below is our list of rules for the community. We want you to know that users who do not adhere to these rules will not be allowed to keep their accounts for long. Inside our community or application, you are responsible for your actions inside or outside the network,and in the event that you share content that disturbs other users, disrespect other users, etc., your account may be suspended or cancelled. For this reason, please pay careful attention to the items below.
If you are experiencing problems, please contact us immediately and we will do what needs to be done.

Nudity/Sexual Content:

In your profile or communications, it is important not to share content of a sexual nature or that portrays nudity. Images, event banners or comments, or messages that offend users may result in the permanent closing of your account.


Inside the platform, both in the public areas and private messaging and commenting, we expect users to keep in mind that other users are also people and act accordingly. If you act in ways that harass other persons, even in private messaging, if you share inappropriate images or messages, not only may this result in the closing of your account, but also depending on the laws of the country, we may need to inform the proper law enforcement authorities about the situation.

Hate speech:

To be an individual is fundamental and we care about your personal preferences. In this vein, we expect that you respect the personal choices of other users. We forbid all hate speech, including but not limited to ethnicity, nationality, religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity.

Violence/Physical Harm:

Within the Innclude community, content involving violence, brutality, etc., is not permitted. Images involving violence, in connection with event planning in our Public spaces will be absolutely removed; profile may be suspended or deleted.Suicidal or self-harming related content may be defined as violence, and under those circumstances, Innclude may contact relevant authorities in order to seek help.

Personal Information:

Please don’t share personal information belonging to you or someone else. This information may include your personal phone number, various passwords, social security number, etc. You may seek assistance by contacting us directly if people are requesting this type of information.

Fake Profiles:

Innclude exists in order for you to be able to create a profile that belongs to you, with which you may interact individually with your friends or brands. Creating false profiles, imitating other persons or institutions on our platform will not benefit you, to be sure. Becoming more popular as an individual will benefit you more than trying to imitate somebody else. There are many other platforms for entertainment. Please use those instead of crowding ours with needless activity,funny groups, or profiles.

Spam Messages:

Regardless of whether you have a personal of business account with us, mass messaging or sending spam will necessitate the indefinite suspension of your account. Please do not violate people’s individual rights.

Advertising and Promotions:

Innclude is not an advertising platform. Within the platform we are trying to create, there will be specific avenues for you to take advantage of our advertising options. Repeatedly trying to send messages or event images outside of those confines will not only fail to benefit the product or service you want to advertise, but will also result in your profile’s indefinite suspension or deletion. If it is noticed that you are trying to increase your account activity in exchange for promotions, you will experience problems. If you are experiencing issues with your account, or if you want to share content as a promoter, please contact us, we will assist you and avoid any errors in this area.


Innclude does not tolerate fraudulent activity within any of its account formats – individual or business – under the rights granted its members in exchange for a fee. With respect to all of the accounts on our platform, if you try to obtain knowledge through illegal or fraudulent means, send along bank account information in order to solicit or transfer funds, your profile will be shut down and law enforcement will be notified.

Sexual Advances, Human Trafficking and Prostitution:

Innclude is not a platform for you to satisfy your sexual needs. There are a number of applications on a global scale that cater to this need and you may use those for such ends. Trying to organize events involving prostitution, human trafficking or trying to induce another person to commit nonconsensual sex acts will result in the permanent cancellation of your account with us.


In order to use Innclude, you must be 18 or over. This is true even if you don’t participate in public or private events or interact with other members. Please if you come across a profile like this outside of our knowledge, let us know.

Illegal Uses:

Illegal uses within Innclude have been more or less articulated in the items above. However, there may be actions that are illegal in the particular country where you live and those types of acts will be categorized as illegal use within the application. Do not violate the law.

PDPL Agreement

Privacy Policy Regarding the Protection of Personal Data

As Innclude LLC ("Innclude" or "Company"), we prioritize protecting the personal data of our users. This document has been prepared to provide information about the collection, processing, and protection of your personal data under the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("KVKK") and other applicable regulations.

1. Data Controller

Your personal data is collected and processed on behalf of Innclude LLC. In Turkey, the operations are managed by “Knowhow Productions,” and our contact information is provided below:

  • Company and Official: Knowhow Productions / Orhan Kalaycı
  • Address: Güzeloba Mah. 2123 Sok. Hatice Hanım Konutları A Blok No:16 A İç Kapı:5 Muratpaşa / Antalya
  • Email: [email protected] - [email protected]

2. Purpose of Processing Personal Data

The personal data collected from you to use Innclude systems is processed for the following purposes:

  • Ticket Sales and Management: Allowing users to purchase tickets for events and manage ticket details.
  • Guest Management: Managing guests and creating invitation lists for events.
  • Payment Transactions: Securely processing user payments.
  • Communication: Providing users with updates, notifications, and promotions about events.
  • Improving User Experience: Analyzing and evaluating user experiences for improvement.
  • Legal Compliance: Collecting required information and documents to comply with relevant laws.

3. Collected Personal Data

The following personal data is collected during the use of the application:

  • Identity Information: Name, surname, date of birth, gender.
  • Contact Information: Phone number, email address.
  • Payment Information: Credit card details and billing address.
  • Usage Data: Data related to your usage of the application (login details, event preferences, etc.).

4. Sharing Personal Data

Your personal data may be shared with third parties in the following cases:

  • Service Providers: Companies we collaborate with for services like payment processing and ticket sales.
  • Legal Obligations: When requested by authorized bodies to comply with applicable laws.

5. Rights of Data Subjects

Under KVKK, you have the following rights as a personal data subject:

  • To learn whether your personal data is being processed.
  • To understand the purpose and methods of personal data processing.
  • To request correction of your personal data.
  • To request deletion or destruction of your personal data.
  • To request the transfer of your personal data to another party.
  • To access your personal data and obtain a copy of it.

6. Data Security

Innclude takes data security very seriously and employs layered security systems. In addition to technical measures, we are committed to high administrative sensitivity. These measures aim to protect your data from unauthorized access, loss, or destruction.

7. Updates

Any changes to this privacy policy will be communicated to our users via the application or our website.

8. Contact

Your feedback is important to us. For any questions or opinions regarding your personal data, please contact us using the details below:

9. Consent

This Privacy Policy is part of the User Agreement, Privacy Agreement, Community Guidelines, Cookie Policy, and Sales Agreements. By using the Innclude systems, you acknowledge and accept the terms described herein.

Innclude Business Agreement

Article 1. Access and Acceptance of Agreement

The provisions listed below as part of the Terms of Use lay out the rules for the use of services offered by Innclude LLC as “Innclude”, such as the mobile application, website, official social media accounts, Innclude SMS platform, etc. If these terms do not suit you, please cancel your registration. If you utilize a part or all of the services offered by Innclude, or rely on our third party services in order to connect to our system, you accept and are bound by the below rules and regulations.

We may make various changes to the Terms of Use or our services as needed. These changes may reflect changes in the law or could spring from user or operational flows in our sector. You can always access updated versions of these terms through our website or application. We will also inform you of any changes through the contact information provided. Updated Terms of Use may override previous terms (unless stated otherwise). If you continue to take advantage of our services once the changes go into effect, it will be presumed that you have accepted our new terms. By continuing to use services, you will also be deemed to have accepted our Community Guide, our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy which was designed to protect your information, as supplements to the Terms of Use.

Article 2. Parties

Our Terms of Use is an agreement between Innclude LLC (Innclude), with details listed below, and registered users (“User”). All services related to our web site, mobile application, side applications will be termed “service”, “services”, or “our services”.

Innclude LLC
3511 Silverside Road, Suite 105
Wilmington, Delaware
19810, USA
[email protected]

Innclude has the right to transfer services and terms of use to third parties. If this happens, you may continue to take advantage of our services. If notified, and you do not accept the transfer terms, you forfeit use of services.

Article 3. Innclude User System
  • Innclude is an event planning platform that is registered using phone numbers.
  • Innclude, for connecting to and use of services, will assign an ID that is unique to each user, valid globally, can be repossessed and may not be used for trade. The sole purpose of this ID is for services to be used according to the mission behind these services and also their Terms of Use.
  • Individualized account and ID can NEVER be transferred to third parties.
  • Once User registers by approving The Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, they will be provided with a profile that can be viewed by all Innclude users.
  • Users will confirm and accept that the data within Innclude belongs to them.
  • Usernames are unique to each member and same username may not be assigned to the multiple users.
  • Users may, for as long as they utilize our application may make changes to their username aand other data.
  • User may begin using our services, as well as organize private events with individuals in their contacts or public events while user’s phone number remains hidden. Using their profile pages, create events all Innclude users may view and interact with and reach other Innclude users through private or public events.
  • Users agree that their events may be viewed by friends, business contacts, family and other associates who are found in users’ personal phone contacts, unless indicated otherwise (e.g. blocked, private event, etc.)
  • A phone number is the user’s personal information. Innclude absolutely cannot be held responsible for disputes and damages arising from communications between other Innclude users who have user’s phone number who can therefore access a private event created by this user. Innclude also may not be held responsible for any disputes and damages arising from communications between user and aforementioned users.
  • Nearby events and brands with business accounts on Innclude may inform Innclude users about new services and projects through notifications on Innclude, sms or e-mail. In addition, Innclude may share with its users various campaigns, promotions and other similar information using other communication platforms that users link to their accounts, including any social media channels.
  • In order to provide services, Innclude may share user event details like address, venue, and similar information with other Innclude users, business partners that may be interested in sponsorship, and brands with business accounts. Innclude may not be held responsible for any issues or damages that result between users and our business partners or their management as a result of this sharing of information.
  • Innclude may prepare certain documents or reports that rely on demographical information and statistics using data gathered within our service, without revealing specific user information. Innclude may use this information internally or may share with third parties in exchange for a fee or without one. These types of transactions, present or future, do not constitute a breach of of our Privacy Policy.
Article 4. Account Compliance
  • You must be 18 or older in order to set up and account with and use the services of Innclude. In the event you declare yourself to be 18 or older and it is determined otherwise, Innclude has the right to terminate your user connection.
  • Users will have to confirm that (1) the personal information in their individualized account is theirs, (2) they cannot transfer their profile, (3) they will not use their personal account for trade or business purposes, (4) they will not open an account that was terminated using a different phone number, (5) they are personally accountable for the their content of events created by them or ones with which they interact.
Article 5. Changes to Services and Implementation

In order to improve its services, Innclude may add extra features or suspend certain features. To the extent that these changes will not significantly impact the rights of user, Innclude may not notify users.
Innclude will, without exception, notify its users if certain services are terminated or we experience security issues.
Innclude may not be held responsible for any disputes or damages that result from these changes that are made in order to improve the quality of service.

Article 6. User’s Responsibilities
  • Users accept that they are personally responsible for events they create within the platform, any visuals or event content, location or other similar information they post as well as any comments they make on events formed by other Innclude users.
  • Users accept that the copyright for the content of Innclude belongs to Innclude, and user may not without permission reproduce, copy or distribute this content.
  • Users may not use their personal accounts for trade or business purposes or include other inappropriate content. If users wish, they may purchase a Business Account for business related content in the name of a brand, venue, agency or similar establishment or public institution. This way, user can take advantage or advertising, promotion or other like services. Innclude may, without restriction, monitor the whole system in order to identify suspicious account activity.
  • In order to set up a Business Account, users must, in addition to reviewing and accepting this Terms of Use, also review and accept our Business and Distance Sales Agreements.
  • Users may not, without written permission from Innclude, publish content that they produced within the Innclude platform on social media for trade/business purposes.
  • Users may not, without written permission from Innclude, use the Innclude name, brand, logo, all or in part, for their own event visuals, flyers, on television, media or other digital or printed distribution, as a banner on social media, in videos or any like materials.
  • Users may not in any of its declarations state or suggest that they received approval from Innclude for their messages or any other content.
  • Users are prohibited from copying and indexing content found on Innclude. Users are also prohibited from setting up false accounts and/or bot accounts using this type of information, by proxy or manually or using automatic devices or methods. No exceptions will be made.
  • Users may not use Innclude for activity geared toward disrupting service, cyber attacks, or any other way that could impact our server or any networks connected to our server.
  • Users may not, without written persmission from Innclude, develop or use third party applications that will interact with our services or involve our interface.
  • User accounts will be considered to personally represent the individuals holding them. Users may not imitate, spoof or manipulate private or public institutions, known figures or brands, outside of their personal identity.
  • Users may not sell tickets within the Innclude platform, but may share links in their event profile to websites, mobile applications, or other like ticket sales services.
  • For certain event entries secured through a business account, Innclude may send users a QR Code via email or SMS. However, businesses, venues or brands may opt out of certain features (e.g. Guest List Services) on their business accounts. Users may not hold Innclude accountable if they are unable to participate in an event because of this or any other reason provided by the business account holder.
  • Users may not hold Innclude responsible for any disputes or damages that arise from their interactions with event organizers/planners, business account holders/management, and any brands and/or public institutions that are included on the Innclude platform.
  • Innclude, within the framework of the rights afforded to Business Account owners, offers a QR Code delivery service for invited guests that are not users of Innclude, for the formation of a Guest List, to assist with checking in guests at the venue, and in order to notify invited guests by means of e-mail or SMS. Innclude is not responsible for the content of these e-mails or SMS messages that are sent using our services.
  • Unregistered individuals may contact us at [email protected] in the event that messages sent using our services are bothersome and appropriate action will be taken.
  • In order to achieve continuity of services, Innclude may request access to users’ lists of contacts, location data, photo albums or other similar information. Users, by initiating use of services, agree that they will be using the application pursuant to permissions granted.
  • Users agree that the phone number they provided during registration is bound to their profile, and if they wish to later change the phone number associated with their account, we provide a service for it within the Innclude application, which they may utilize to make this change. Innclude is not responsible for data losses incurred while making this switch.
  • In the event that any of the users’ content on Innclude is found to be inconsistent with our Community Guide, Privacy Policy or Terms of Use, users agree that Innclude management or moderators may make corrections to, suspend or delete the inapproapriate information.
  • In the event that users determine that an event violates the agreements of Innclude, they must report it using our reporting function on the event page.
  • Users agree that they will not make any demands or requests about the star system in their profiles that indicates popularity.
  • The events on Innclude are only open to persons who are 18 older. Users agree to never hold Innclude responsible for user content that contradicts this rule.
  • Innclude is not responsible for missing and/or incorrect information about addresses or locations posted in the application.
  • Users agree that they will not access or use the services provided in a way that falls outside of Innclude’s definition of proper use. They also agree that they will not change any of the coding, and if they notice a change, to stop using the service. In the event that a user fails to comply with this provision, she or he agrees to compensate Innclude for any pecuniary or non-pecuniary damages.
  • Users agree that they will not hold Innclude responsible for damages in the event that unauthorized persons or institutions gain access to their data.
  • Users agree to not hold Innclude responsible for third parties’ unauthorized use of content they share/post on the application.
  • Users agree that Innclude may, pursuant to the governing laws of the applicable country, use any content posted for advertisements and promotional materials, and also share this content on its social media page.
  • Users agree that any content, visual, or information that could violate their personal rights obtained through the services of Innclude are voluntarily posted. Therefore, they may not seek damages or other compensation from Innclude in the event that third parties use this information in public or private, social media, e-mail, etc.
  • Users agree to never record, distribute, or use for an improper purpose any comments or private messages posted by other users who participate in their events or events in which they participate.
  • When users’ are invited to an event by means of a QR Code, they agree to never copy, reproduce or allow for this code to be used by another person. Any use that is inconsistent with this provision will result in the termination of all related accounts.
  • Users are personally responsible for any security issues, physical damage and similar problems arising from their attendance at an event, public or private, they attended by means of the Innclude application.
  • Private events may only be viewed by invited guests. Users agree to not hold Innclude responsible for any issues or damages that arise in the event that invited guests take screenshots, otherwise record and share the information.
  • Users may not hold Innclude responsible for any disputes or damages arising from their interactions with other users.
Article 7. Innclude’s Responsibilities
  • Innclude may, at any time, suspend, terminate or start charging a fee for all or a part of its services. Under these circumstances, the user reserves the right to stop services.
  • In circumstances where users’ security is in question, Innclude may suspend or end its online payment systems. Innclude may not be held accountable against its individual users or business account owners for the suspension or stopping of its online payment system.
  • Innclude may terminate personal accounts it suspects may put system security at risk or may be using Innclude for spamming, advertising, or other unauthorized trade or business purposes.
  • Innclude reserves the right, without time retrictions, to change, remove, add additional content, add visuals, and organize any content found within its services, as well as suspend events, or limit access to all or certain groups. Innclude is not obligated to notify users while exercising this right.
  • Innclude will make and continue appropriate efforts in order to meet users’ expectations, with a secure infrastructure, but cannot guarantee results.
  • Inncude may reproduce or delete content within its services, all or in part, when Innclude finds it appropriate.
  • Innclude has the copyrights for any data, document, design, graphic or similar works that it produces or purchases.
  • Innclude may use its Guest List service for its own event advertisements and promotions.
  • For services involving SMS, Innclude is not responsible for disputes and damages that arise from interactions between the events created by SMS Business Accounts and invited users.
  • Innclude QR Code Technology is designed to create and assign for each event and each user a unique code that changes at designated times. If Innclude detects and/or determines that users are misappropriating their QR code, it may suspend, stop or completely terminate services of the users’ in question.
  • For public events, Innclude may use the event’s visuals, content, videos and like materials for advertising or promotion, including at indoor and outdoor open spaces.
  • Innclude agrees that it will not use for advertisement or promotional materials any events that are designated as private events and accepts that these events shall remain private as between organizers and guests or participants, as Innclude will not allow access. However, Innclude may turn over information to the appropriate law enforcement authorities in the event that it is required by the laws and regulations of the applicable country.
  • Innclude may not be held responsible for disputes and damages arising from changes made to the content of an event profile that was created.
  • Innclude may not be held responsible in the event that the information provided by the organizers is incomplete.
  • Innclude does not allow for sales of tickets within event profiles. However, users may post relevant e-mails or links to their organization’s website, their social media event pages, and ticket sale services. Innclude may not be held responsible for mistakes in this information or security risks arising from their use.
  • Innclude may, as part of its services, publish advertisements that belong to its associates, business partners or third party partners.
  • Innclude may file complaints with the relevant authorities under the applicable country’s laws and regulations, and submit supporting evidence or files, in the event that a user makes inappropriate use of services provided. Innclude may also ask for appropriate damages or compensation.
  • If it is determined that a user is in violation of the dictates of Articles 3, 4, 6 and 7, user’s membership may be terminated, including Premium memberships. Under these circumstances, user may not ask for a refund.
Article 8. The Terms and Conditions of Payment

Part of Innclude’s services are fee-based Premium Memberships (In-Application Purchases).
In-Application Purchases are made available to users through appropriate payment services and form of payment (e.g. Credit Card, Mobile Payment, Google Play and iTunes).
After receiving approval for purchase, you may start using the features of your Premium Membership. If the automatic renewal feature is active, this means that your service will be renewed and you will continue to receive invoices. If you do not wish to use the automatic renewal function, you may cancel through the third party application you used to make your purchase (Google Play and iTunes). While still within your service period, you cancel your Premium Membership, your Premium Membership will continue up until the expiration date indicated in the third party application that was used to make your purchase. The rights attached to the Premium Membership cannot be transferred to third parties. Payments related to Business Accounts are different from Premium Membership packages and will be completed through 3D secure over Innclude systems. For additional details related to this matter, please review our Business Accounts page. Refund requests will be received and processed through the third party application used to make purchase.

Article 9. Third Party Services
  • Innclude, in connection with part or all of its services, may publish advertisements and promotional material, and/or involve connections for access to other websites and sources.
  • Innclude is not responsible for connectivity to these outside websites or sources.
  • If through Innclude, you interact with third parties, you will be bound by their terms of use.
  • Innclude cannot be held responsible for the rules and policies of third parties.
Article 10. Personal Information

Prior to being able to take advantage of our services, users, along with having signed our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, will have consented to the transfer of certain information – phone number, name, surname, e-mail address, etc. – to third parties or abroad for processing, within the confines of the governing laws of the appropriate countries. The processing of personal information and its transfer to third parties or abroad is governed by a legal agreement between user and Innclude. Personal data may be processed for marketing, analysis, and/or statistical purposes, by Innclude or Innclude associates, and partners with whom Innclude or Innclude associates have a legal agreement, within the confines of these Terms of Use. In addition, users consent to the recording, processing, and/or listing or sharing with third parties anonymously of their event interactions, behavior models, and data by Innclude, and Innclude associates and partners for analysis for the purposes of improving services, and for various applications and programs to work within the platform.

Article 11. Information Storage

Prior to being able to take advantage of our services, users, along with having signed our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, will have consented to the transfer of certain information – phone number, name, surname, e-mail address, etc. – to third parties or abroad for processing, within the confines of the governing laws of the appropriate countries. The processing of personal information and its transfer to third parties or abroad is governed by a legal agreement between user and Innclude. Personal data may be processed for marketing, analysis, and/or statistical purposes, by Innclude or Innclude associates, and partners with whom Innclude or Innclude associates have a legal agreement, within the confines of these Terms of Use. In addition, users consent to the recording, processing, and/or listing or sharing with third parties anonymously of their event interactions, behavior models, and data by Innclude, and Innclude associates and partners for analysis for the purposes of improving services, and for various applications and programs to work within the platform.

Article 12. Effectiveness of Agreement

Terms of Use will go into effect indefinitely once a user is entered into the system between parties.

Article 13. Termination of Agreement

Parties may terminate at will. Termination of Terms of Use will not affect parties rights’ and entitlements.